I am Filip Mihajlovic, Zivorad’s son.

I created this website in order to give reliable information about his work and his life (because there is so much nonsense connected to his name on the web).
Short Bio
I graduated mathematics on Belgrade University.
While my father was mainly focused on using self development techniques for therapy, elimination of personal problems and achieving higher consciousnesses states and spiritual experiences, I was mainly interested in how you can achieve your life goals in the material world with such techniques.
I am professionally coaching people since 1991 and I have created many personal growth systems
If you would like to know more about achieving material goals using the principles of Slavinski’s Spiritual Technology check my website here:
What They Say About me
Instead of me writing about myself, below is the text (very flattering one :)) with which the host of my workshops in Moscow in 2012 was introducing me on TV and in various magazines.
About Filip Mihajlovic
Filip Mihajlovic, son of renowned Serbian psychologist and author Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski, is a leading expert in harmonious and spiritual goal achievement. He graduated mathematics on the University of Belgrade, but he is following in his father’s steps and has dedicated his life to helping spiritual individuals attain their material goals through the effective use of spiritual options.
He is professional coach since 1991, and has a stellar reputation for his unique approach which establishes and uses harmonious states for reaching one’s material goals. He has created and authored numerous systems and workshops, including Spiritual Option, Communicate!!!, Meridian Therapies Life-Remodeling, Spiritual Re-Creation of Reality, Release Your Inner Hero and Quick Goals system for harmonious goal achievement.
He is also the author of the books: “On The Path of a Master”, “Spiritual Option”, and “Quick Goals”.
Filip’s work has reached a global audience, with clients, trainers, and coaches in over 20 countries utilizing his methods. His unique approach to achieving material goals while staying true to one’s spiritual path has earned him the title of “miracle-maker” and “the most valuable person you can meet on your spiritual path.“
As a spiritual mentor, Filip seeks to debunk the myth that desiring material goals interferes with self-development or is unspiritual. Through his blog, video training series, and his courses and seminars, Filip shares practical techniques that have direct effects on the inner states, behaviors, and immediate results that his clients achieve in the material world.

If you are interested in this kind of things, you can find my “How to use Spiritual Technology for achieving your life goals” FREE course below: